Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Fashion Or Style

Something, such as a garment, that is in the current mode

A mode of fashion, as in dress, esp. good or approved fashion; elegance; smartness

Yes, it is the every pondering question of do I or should I have fashion or style?  Fashion is current, it is now but style is personal. So, should I wear those metallic leggings because it is the current fashion or should I avoid it because it simply does not suit me?

 Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six motnhs -  Oscar Wilde

Quite a controversial statement Mr Wilde,
But does it contain truth? Are we living in a world succumbed to buying a new wardrobe every six months?

My Opinion? The statement is rather outlandish to say fashion is "ugliness," as inspiration  for our style comes from fashion. So, yes you go and buy magazines and look at the goregous garments and lust, but try and make it yours and don't copy the outfit recommendation unless you are practically identical to the model and share the same personality.

Motivation: you don't want to be dressed identically to another commoner whilst wandering the streets of Brittania, do you?                   & choosing style will save you lots of dosh (:

Fashions fade, style is eternal.
Yves Saint Laurent

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